#load libraries ----
#installed from Github using devtools 
# devtools::install_github("jcheng5/d3scatter")
# devtools::install_github("kent37/summarywidget")
#define dataset ----
# specify order of interest
gtcars_mod <- gt::gtcars %>% 
  dplyr::relocate(msrp, .after = year) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(ctry_origin, .after = year) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(bdy_style, .after = msrp) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(drivetrain, .after = bdy_style) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(hp_rpm, .after = trsmn) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(trq_rpm, .after = trsmn) %>%
  mutate(ctry_origin = ifelse(ctry_origin == "United States", "United States of America", ctry_origin)) %>%
  mutate(mfr_model = mfr) %>%
  relocate(mfr_model, everything()) %>%
  arrange(mfr, model)

data <- SharedData$new(gtcars_mod)
#setup crosstalk widgets ----
bscols(widths = c(3, 8, 12, 12),
         filter_select("mfr", "Manufacturer", data, ~gtcars_mod$mfr, multiple=TRUE),
         filter_select("model", "Model", data, ~gtcars_mod$model, multiple = TRUE),
         filter_slider("year", "Year", data, ~year, width = "80%", sep = "", animate=FALSE),
         filter_slider("hp", "Horsepower", data, ~hp, width = "90%"),
         filter_checkbox("bdy_style", "Body Style", data, ~bdy_style, inline = TRUE),
         filter_slider("msrp", "MSRP", data, ~msrp, width = "100%",pre = "$")
        d3scatter(data, ~hp, ~mpg_h, ~factor(bdy_style), width="100%", height=250),
        d3scatter(data, ~hp, ~mpg_c, ~factor(bdy_style), width="100%", height=250)
       reactable(data, searchable = TRUE, minRows = 3, 
                 showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
                 pageSizeOptions = c(5, 10, 15),
                 defaultPageSize = 5,
                 resizable = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, 
                 selection = "multiple",
                 onClick = "select",
                 theme = example_theme,
                 bordered = TRUE,
                 striped = TRUE,
                 filterable = TRUE,
                 columns = list(
                       mfr_model = colDef(
                        # Show species under character names
                        cell = JS("function(cellInfo) {
                          var model = cellInfo.row['model'] || 'Unknown'
                          return (
                            '<div>' +
                            '<div style=\"font-weight: 600\">' + cellInfo.value + '</div>' +
                            '<div style=\"font-size: 12px\">' + model + '</div>' +
                        }"), header=with_tooltip("model", "Manufacturer/model name"),
                        footer = "Total",
                        html = TRUE),
                     mfr = colDef(show = FALSE),
                     model = colDef(show = FALSE),
                      # mfr = colDef(header=with_tooltip("mfr", "Manufacturer")),
                      # model = colDef(header= with_tooltip("model",    "Model name")),
                      year = colDef(header= with_tooltip("year",    "Model year"), minWidth = 60,
                                    cell = reactablefmtr::icon_sets(gtcars_mod, icon_size = 18, icons = "clock", color = "lightgrey")),
                      trim = colDef(header= with_tooltip("trim",    "Dscription of the car model's trim"),
                                    style = list(fontWeight = 600)
                      bdy_style = colDef(header= with_tooltip("bdy_style",  "Body style"),
                                         minWidth = 115,
                                         cell = function(value) {
                                           class <- paste0("tag bdy_style-", tolower(value))
                                           div(class = class, value)
                      hp = colDef(header= with_tooltip("hp",    "Horsepower"),
                                  cell = function(value) {
                                    width <- paste0(value / max(gtcars_mod$hp, na.rm=TRUE) * 100, "%")
                                    bar_chart(value, width = width, fill = "#A0522D", background = "#e1e1e1")
                      hp_rpm = colDef(header= with_tooltip("hp_rpm",    "Horsepower associated RPM level"), format=colFormat(separators = TRUE),
                                      cell = icon_sets(gtcars_mod, icons = "horse")),
                      trq = colDef(header= with_tooltip("trq",  "Torque"),
                                   cell = function(value) {
                                    width <- paste0(value / max(gtcars_mod$trq, na.rm=TRUE) * 100, "%")
                                    bar_chart(value, width = width, fill = "#DDA0DD", background = "#e1e1e1")
                      trq_rpm = colDef(header= with_tooltip("trq_rpm",  "Torque associated RPM level"), format=colFormat(separators = TRUE),
                                      cell = icon_sets(gtcars_mod, icons = "tachometer-alt")),
                      mpg_c = colDef(header= with_tooltip("mpg_c",  "Miles per gallon fuel efficiency city"),
                                     cell = reactablefmtr::icon_sets(gtcars_mod, icon_size = 18, icons = "gas-pump", colors = c("#ee9090", "grey", "#90ee90"))),
                      mpg_h = colDef(header= with_tooltip("mpg_h",  "Miles per gallon fuel efficiency highway"),
                                      cell = reactablefmtr::icon_sets(gtcars_mod, icon_size = 18, icons = "gas-pump", colors = c("#ee9090", "grey", "#90ee90"))
                      drivetrain = colDef(header= with_tooltip("drivetrain",    "Car's drivetrain"),
                                     cell = function(value) {
                                           class <- paste0("tag drivetrain-", tolower(value))
                                           div(class = class, value)
                      trsmn = colDef(header= with_tooltip("trsmn",  "Codified transmission type")),
                      ctry_origin = colDef(
                          header = with_tooltip("ctry_origin",  "Vehicle manufacturer's headquarter country"),
                          headerStyle = list(fontWeight = 700),
                          minWidth = 200,
                          style = list(fontWeight = 600),
                          class = "cell",
                          cell = function(value, index) {
                              img_src <- stringr::str_c('https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/',
                                               stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::str_to_lower(value)," ","-"), '/flag-800.png')
                              image <- img(class = "logo",
                                         src = img_src,
                                         height = 20,
                                         width = 35,
                                         alt = value)
                              div(class = "country", 
                                  div(class = "country-name", value)
                      msrp = colDef(header = with_tooltip("msrp",   "Car prices in USD"), 
                                   format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits = 0, prefix = "$"), 
                                   minWidth = 120,
                                   # cell = function(value) div(scales::dollar(value), rating_msrp(value), width = "100%"),
                                   cell = reactablefmtr::icon_assign(gtcars_mod, icon = "dollar-sign", fill_color = "darkgreen", 
                                                      empty_color = "lightgrey", buckets = 5, show_values = "right", 
                                                      icon_size = 13,
                                                      number_fmt = scales::dollar),
                                   footer = function(values) scales::dollar(sum(values) )
                 defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold"),)
       # DT::datatable(data)