Speech Example


This Quarto extension allows you talk to your presentation and control it. Let’s go over how Bob’s day was. Bob is a random person. Make sure you have your microphone enabled for the web page. Read the slide for instructions.

Getting up

  • Turn off alarm
  • Get out of bed
  • Take a shower


  • Eat eggs
  • Drink coffee


  • Eat spaghetti
  • Drink wine

Going to sleep

  • Get in bed

  • Count sheep (say “1 Sheep” then “2 Sheep” then “3 Sheep” to count sheep.)

    1. Sheep 1

    2. Sheep 2

    3. Sheep 3

      … Zzzzzzz (say “next slide”)


Say “moving along” to go to the next slide.


Hope that was fun. You just used your browser’s speech recognition API to control these RevealJS slides. You can change the keyword phrases to whatever you want in the YAML header. The defaults are listed in the repo readme. There’s also some room for customization covered in the README.

Oh, almost forgot. You can go a specific slide by saying “go to slide number 3” or “go to slide number 4” etc.